About Me

What is ay films?

ay films is a one-man videography and photography crew that plans, shoots, and edits visual content independently. They handle all equipment, including cameras, lighting, and audio. They manage the entire process from concept to final production.

About me.

My name is Jayden (The one on the far left). I’m 16 years old and am fond of cameras, photography, and videography. I’m a full-time student studying Creative Media Practice and would like to become a camera operator when I’m older. During my spare time I go with my camera and take pictures of interesting things. You can find my work on my portfolio page.

Don't let people bring you down.

Stand tall in the face of criticism and negativity. Believe in your worth and pursue your dreams with confidence. Rise above doubt, knowing your potential is limitless.

© 2024 Design by jaydenn.